Road Safety And Traffic Management
Road Safety And Traffic Management
We take the health and personal safety of all individuals – students, stakeholders, staff and visitors, seriously. All individuals are expected to familiarise themselves with the traffic management measures and to follow instructions spelt out hereunder for the safety and security of all.
1. Road Safety
The safety of our students using roads leading to and from the school is our priority and the responsibility of all. We continue to seek the cooperation of parents / guardians to work with us in ensuring their children’s safety coming to and leaving the school. Parents / guardians who are drivers should continue to play their part by slowing down as they approach the vicinity of the school. As a parent / guardian, do help us to reinforce the importance of road safety with your children.
Thus, we would appreciate parents to remind their children to:
practice the kerb drill before crossing the road – “look right, look left, look right again, ensure all vehicles have stopped, raise your hand high up and cross the road briskly”.
refrain from using their mobile communication devices or reading books when crossing the road.
avoid standing at the edge of the bus bay and / or leaning / resting on the safety bollards at the bus stop.
2. Arrival and Dismissal
Diagram 1 below shows the different entry and exit points of the school, both for vehicles and pedestrians. Please adhere to the traffic management processes when entering and leaving the school.

a) Arrival Procedure - for P1 to P3 students who come by car

Vehicular access into the school via Gate 2 is only for parents / guardians of P1 to P3 students who have bought the school car decal and displayed it prominently on the windscreen. The purpose is to drop off their child / ward in the morning between 6.30 a.m. and 7.30 a.m., and pick her up at dismissal between 1.45 p.m. and 2.15 p.m.
Parents / guardians are encouraged to teach their child / ward to put their school bags next to them, or on top of their own laps to facilitate a quicker drop-off. Parents / guardians are also encouraged to bid their farewell before the child / ward is dropped off, and not while their child / ward is outside the vehicle.
b) Arrival Procedure - for P4 to P6 students who come by car

2 arrival points – Gate 3p and Gate 1p: For parents who are driving to drop off their child at
Gate 3p – please alight your child at Y, the Bukit Purmei Road Car Park between Block 110 and Block 111 (behind the temple) where she will make her way to Gate 3p and into the school
Gate 1p – please alight your child at X, the Bukit Purmei Road Car Park between Block 113 and Block 115 where she will make her way to Gate 1p and into the school
c) Dismissal Procedure
i) Option A: Drive and Pick
With reference to Diagram 2, students who are to be picked up by car will wait at the foyer.
When the school buses leave the school premises at about 1.40 p.m. to 1.45 p.m., parents / guardians may drive into the school through Gate 2, to pick their child / ward up.
Gate 2 will close at 2.15 p.m.
This option is NOT available for students who are staying back for school-scheduled afternoon programmes.
ii) Option B: Park and Pick
With reference to Diagram 4, there are 2 dismissal points for this option – Gate 3p and Gate 1p, where the students who are waiting to be picked up by car will wait along the sheltered passageway leading to the respective gates.

For parents / guardians who are driving to pick their child up at
Gate 3p – please park your car at Y, the Bukit Purmei Road Car Park between Block 110 and Block 111 (behind the temple) and make your way to Gate 3p to pick your child / ward up.
Gate 1p – please park at X, the Bukit Purmei Road car park between Block 113 and Block 115 and make your way to Gate 1p to pick your child / ward up.
d) Safety Concerns

e) Morning Peak Hour Traffic
Please take note of the hazards highlighted in Diagram 6. We seek your kind cooperation to follow the traffic rules and instructions to help us maintain an orderly flow of traffic when travelling to and from the school.